FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, portrayed by Kyle MacLachlan, is a fictional character and the protagonist of the television series Twin Peaks (1990-91), created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. Cooper is an eccentric FBI agent who arrives in Twin Peaks in 1989 to investigate the brutal murder of popular high school student Laura Palmer. He displays an array of quirky mannerisms such as giving a “thumbs up” when satisfied, sage-like sayings, a distinctive sense of humor, and a love for good cherry pie and a “damn fine cup of coffee” (which he takes black). One of his habits is speaking into a microcassette recorder, through which he addresses a mysterious woman named “Diane.” Cooper briefly appears in the 1992 prequel film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.
Note: The Twin Peaks pilot episode was first broadcast 25 years ago, on April 8, 1990. It was recently announced that MacLachlan will return as Cooper for a nine-episode continuation of Twin Peaks in 2016. The new limited series will be set in present day, picking up 25 years after the events of the 1991 finale. It will air on Showtime.